Sunday, December 04, 2005

Man Uses Open Wi-Fi Networks to Forge Prescriptions

A man who was addicted to pain killers was recently arrested while in line at a Kroger, because the pharmacy suspected him of bogus prescriptions. He used neighbors open Wi-Fi to download prescriptions, then he took them back to his motel room, re-wrote them, and printed them out.

Police say the scheme started with a keychain gadget known as a wi-fi finder, which scans for wireless Internet service. Once Mockensturm found a signal, detectives say would park his van in front of someone's house, steal their wireless Internet access, and download the prescription painkiller information he needed --- without them ever knowing it.

Once he returned to his motel room, detectives say Mockensturm would plug the painkiller information into his computer, then scan an actual prescription, rewrite it, and print out a bogus batch.

Police say the real prescription was for a name-brand drug. But without medical insurance, Mockensturm could only afford a cheap high-- so he went for generic painkillers.

Mockensturm got busted waiting in line at Kroger, when workers at the pharmacy smelled fraud.


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