Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Spam Or Ham

SpamOrHam.org is a web site where you can help anti-spammers (like SpamOrHam creator John Graham-Cumming) by manually sorting email. In order to accurately test spam filters anti-spammers need to have large amounts of email that has been accurately divided into spam and ham (normal) messages.

Although there are some existing sets of sorted messages available (such as the SpamAssassin public corpus and the TREC 2005 Public Spam Corpus), they are either small or have been sorted by machine and may contain errors.

SpamOrHam.org has been created to solve that problem by harnessing people power. By manually classifying (clicking This is Spam or This is Ham) a small number of messages a large number of people can quickly sort thousands of messages.

You can help out by clicking through messages that are randomly displayed and saying whether you think the message is spam or ham. It's as simple as that.


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