Saturday, February 17, 2007

Missing FBI Laptops Still a Problem

Nice example for the rest of us...

Three or four FBI laptop computers are lost or stolen each month and the agency is unable to say in many instances whether information on the machines is sensitive or classified, the Justice Department's inspector general said Monday.

Of the 160 laptops lost or stolen over a 44-month period, 10 contained sensitive or classified information. The bureau did not have records on whether 51 others contained such data.

In a report five years ago, the inspector general said 354 weapons and 317 laptop computers were lost or stolen during a 28-month review.

Full Story form the AP here.


Anonymous said...

It's the FBI... why don't the just implant some nice remote locator's which work through a GPS signal into the laptops they use and be able to trace those laptops back without a problem?

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