Friday, March 23, 2007

ShmooCon 07 - Day 1

ShmooCon 07 started today and things got off to a good start - bigger space, more folks, but overall same great con. After Bruce Potter's opening remarks @ 15:30 there were six approx 20 min. long presentations before Aviel Rubin's keynote @ 19:00.

Eoin Miller and Adair Collins Auditing Cached Credentials with Cachedump and Johnny Long's No-Tech Hacking were probably my two favorites. Johnny's no-tech hacking talk was excellent in both content and presentation. A good deal of it focused on physical security and on demonstrating what an important hacking tool the power of observation can be.

Aviel Rubin ended things nicely with an exelent keynote. A copy of his presentation can be found here.

Dr. Rubin vs. Dr. Cole... my money is on Dr. Rubin


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